CIRP ICME ’24 PowerPoint Presentation Upload

CIRP ICME ’24 presenting authors are required to fill the following form and submit their PowerPoint paper presentation in PPT/PPTX format via the online submission system below by July 1st, 2024.

The template for the preparation of the CIRP ICME ’24 PowerPoint paper presentation has been already distributed via email but can be also downloaded here.

The presentation must be saved in PPT/PPTX format using the first name and surname of the presenting author of the paper: e.g. Roberto_Teti.pptx.

Anyone who is the presenting author of more than one paper will name the presentations in a numbered sequence: e.g. Roberto_Teti_1.pptx; Roberto_Teti_2.pptx; Roberto_Teti_3.pptx.

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