Increasing of production rate of laser powder bed fusion systems

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  1. alliance.bibili

    Good presentation. Does the printing direction has a higher impact than the scanning speed? What was the recommended direction to obtain better mechanical properties?

    • vincenza.mercurio

      Thank you.
      We have seen that the scanning speed has higher effect on the density and mechanical properties. Furthermore, it is known that for L-PBF parts the worst building condition is vertical direction and our results confirmed this trend.

  2. simone.venettacci

    Dear Ms Mercurio,
    interesting presentation, linked to a current topic and worthy of scientific and industrial research.
    However, I did not understand how the building rates for the specimens P1 and P2 were calculated.
    Are you also planning to evaluate the effect of layer thickness on the optimization of the building rate in the future?

    • vincenza.mercurio

      Thank you.
      The build rate value reported for specimens P1 and P2 is the denominator of the energy density (slide 5). The formula used is the one most used in literature but our recent studies, currently being published, show that it neglects some effects such as the construction layer and other parameters involved. We are therefore studying a new approach.

      • simone.venettacci

        Dear Ms Mercurio,
        thanks for your kind reply. Have you already studied the effect of the layer thickness? Or are you planning to evaluate it in the future?

        • vincenza.mercurio

          Dear Mr Venettacci,
          could be interesting increase the height of layer thickness to enhance the productivity, but there are limits linked to the machine used. For higher layer thickness you may need to use high values of laser power and you should be careful to not decrease too the mechanical properties of the parts.

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