Advanced Procedures and Scheduling for Aircraft Assembly Processes: a Systematic Review Approach

by D. Blanco, E. Rubio, B. Agustina, M. M. Marin, A. M. Camacho


The target of the study is to conduct a systematic review of the scientific literature published over the last 20 years on advanced procedures and scheduling of aircraft assembly processes. The bibliography analysed includes the 25 most cited references during this period, published in English, open access and fee-paying, applicable to the aeronautical field, and published in aeronautical, mechanical, or manufacturing engineering journals, and with a Q1 (80%) and Q2 (20%) classification by JCR impact factor. The final selection of articles has a total number of 806 citations and a total average of 32.24 citations/article. Forty percent of the selected articles are focused on the optimisation of the assembly process planning, 28% are aimed at improving the assembly process by developing the machining process of the individual components that constitute the assembly, and 20% of the studies address their research to the automation of the process by implementing robots. In addition, 16% of the selected articles include the proposal of new algorithms and process models, and 12% involve the development of new ad hoc software, with the integration of the developed software into existing software commonly used in the aeronautical sector, such as CATIA by Dassault Systèmes. On the other hand, 52% of the works include within the study the analysis of a case on an industrial scale in the aeronautical sector such as engines, fuselages, aircraft wings and tails, satellites, and final assembly lines. Finally, regarding the origin of the studies, China is the country with the highest percentage of publications on this topic, accounting for 40% of the selected articles, followed by the United Kingdom in second place with 16% and Canada in third place with 12%.

Keywords: mounting; assembly; aircraft; aviation; planning; scheduling

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Presenting author



David Blanco

National University of Distance Education, Madrid, Spain

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