Scheduling Auction based restaurant reservation method for achieving social distancing

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  1. nariaki.nishino

    Thank you for your nice talk. Very interesting study!

    The proposed auction mechanism itself sounds great. However, the results are not surprising because as the social distancing becomes large, the social surplus is decreasing. It can be easily expected. Did you find any unexpected results?

    Nariaki Nishino
    The University of Tokyo

    • shota.suginouchi

      Thank you for your question.

      As you mentioned, the experimental results are almost expectable.
      If I am forced to say, that is the effects of the average party size on the social surplus.
      The smaller the average party size, the smaller the social surplus and the more the number of tables not allocated to any customers increases to guarantee the social distancing.
      This experimental result shows the importance of the auction dealing with auctioned goods that cannot be allocated to anyone.

      I am sorry for the delay in responding.

      Shota Suginouchi
      Aoyama Gakuin University

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