Circular Food Economy framework: Challenges and initiatives

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  1. alessandra.caggiano

    Hi Sinndy,
    thank you for your interesting presentation dealing with Circular Food Economy (CFE) which illustrates a very interesting context approached with an appealing methodology.
    I noticed that in the discussion on food no mention is made about food destined to and processed by “starred” chefs and restaurants. Is it because the quantities of this sort of food is relatively low, despite the fact that the value is high, or are there other reasons for not dwelling on this food class?
    Thank you!

  2. Dear Alessandra, thank you very much for your comment.
    Our research covers restaurants and related food services as actors of the last echelon of the agri-food supply chain. However, no specific differentiation is made for “starred” restaurants inside this group of stakeholders. It means, they are included but not separated from no-starred restaurants.
    As you wrote, the amount of FLW generated by starred restaurants is not so representative in comparison to the entire food waste of the echelon as well as in comparison with the entire chain FLW values (restaurants and households in general produce around 15% of the total FLW – varying by country).
    Also, I want to mention that because we are analyzing the entire supply chain to design the mechanism to explore the CFE, the validation of the mechanism in a specific study case, such as starred restaurants, will be carried out in the final phase of the research project.
    Thank you!

  3. alessandra.caggiano

    Thank you for your exhaustive answer!

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