Hi Simon, thanks a lot for the question. I think that the implementation of artificial neural networks fits really well for the wine industry, since any step of the wine making process (such as the maceration, the blending, the aging, the filtration or the fermentation) has its own process parameters and it’s hard to evaluate experimentally how a change of a combination of parameters in different steps can influence the final product. I am sure that with careful analysis about the measurable parameters in each step and the possibility of an high data acquisition, is possible to get a neural network which can predict with a good approximation the quality and taste of the wine obtained with a fixed set of parameters even considering the whole process overall. This would lead to a great improvement for the research and development in the wine industry, since they could focus on experiments based on the output of the ANN for the launch of new products.
Hi Emanuele, thanks a lot for the interessting presentation. Do you have an idea how your method can help the wine industrie in the future?
Hi Simon, thanks a lot for the question. I think that the implementation of artificial neural networks fits really well for the wine industry, since any step of the wine making process (such as the maceration, the blending, the aging, the filtration or the fermentation) has its own process parameters and it’s hard to evaluate experimentally how a change of a combination of parameters in different steps can influence the final product. I am sure that with careful analysis about the measurable parameters in each step and the possibility of an high data acquisition, is possible to get a neural network which can predict with a good approximation the quality and taste of the wine obtained with a fixed set of parameters even considering the whole process overall. This would lead to a great improvement for the research and development in the wine industry, since they could focus on experiments based on the output of the ANN for the launch of new products.