Registration Info

Participation in the CIRP ICME ’23 Conference is restricted only to registered conference participants.

In order to submit your registration, please go to the “Online Registration Form” page.

One registration fee payment per paper is requested by 2 June 2023 in order to have the paper included in the Technical Programme and published in the Scopus-indexed Procedia CIRP volume containing the CIRP ICME ‘23 Proceedings.

The registration fee includes: admission to scientific sessions, lunches, coffee breaks, participation in the social programme and paper publication in the Scopus-indexed Procedia CIRP volume.

Registration Fees (in Euro Currency)

Before June 2ndAfter June 2nd
Regular Registration740 €790 €
Members Registration
(CIRP, AITeM, Fh J_LEAPT UniNaples, EC Horizon BioMeld project)
690 €740 €


Please send copy of bank transfer to Prof. R. Teti, CIRP ICME ‘23 Conference Chairman, email: The bank transfer must be in Euro currency (€), free of charge, and carried out precisely as follows to: Prof. Roberto Teti, COC Chairman CIRP ICME ’23; Account number: 100000/70988; Bank name: Intesa SanPaolo; SWIFT code: BCITITMM(XXX); IBAN code: IT53V0306903523100000070988; Bank address: Riviera di Chiaia 131, 80122 Naples, Italy.

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