Thanks for the question. The knowledge graph (kg) consists of ontologies. Each ontology is developed concerning the w3c standard. So yes via semantic web technologies.
The similarity analysis is build upon it. We used python and thus owlready2 to receive the information for the algorithm from the kg and to update the kg for the generated results of analysis.
Does this answer your question?
Yes, thank you for the quick reply. And do the ontologies build upon an existing top-level ontology or has it been completely created from scratch? Taking a look at the SoA, it appears that there is already some work on ontologies for mapping CAD model information.
More created from scratch. Existing ontologies were used but more general ones like om2 for measurement units. Ontologies regarding manufacturing topics are developed in the project itself which is still ongoing. The presentation shows just a specific part of work. The underlying mapping of CAD information is also part of the project and will be described in a paper which will be published in near future. There is also a paper for the underlying concept of knowledge graph (
How do you implement the Knowledge Graph? Using Semantic Web technologies like RDF and OWL?
Thanks for the question. The knowledge graph (kg) consists of ontologies. Each ontology is developed concerning the w3c standard. So yes via semantic web technologies.
The similarity analysis is build upon it. We used python and thus owlready2 to receive the information for the algorithm from the kg and to update the kg for the generated results of analysis.
Does this answer your question?
Yes, thank you for the quick reply. And do the ontologies build upon an existing top-level ontology or has it been completely created from scratch? Taking a look at the SoA, it appears that there is already some work on ontologies for mapping CAD model information.
More created from scratch. Existing ontologies were used but more general ones like om2 for measurement units. Ontologies regarding manufacturing topics are developed in the project itself which is still ongoing. The presentation shows just a specific part of work. The underlying mapping of CAD information is also part of the project and will be described in a paper which will be published in near future. There is also a paper for the underlying concept of knowledge graph (
Thanks for the further information!