Copy Additive Manufacturing

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  1. Additive manufacturing of open porous functional structures: roadmap from manufacturing to the application
    Robert Otto, Christoph Kiener, Yves Kuesters, Knut Sorby (Germany)
  2. Analysis of single tracks of IN718 produced by laser powder directed energy deposition process
    Gabriele Piscopo, Eleonora Atzeni, Sara Biamino, Luca Iuliano, Federico Mazzucato, Abdollah Saboori, Alessandro Salmi, Anna Valente (Italy)
  3. Multi-material additive manufacturing of thermocouples by laser powder bed fusion
    Christopher Singer, Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick, Johannes Schilp (Germany)
  4. On the lack of fusion porosity in L-PBF processes
    Stefania Cacace, Quirico Semeraro (Italy)
  5. Development of an Automated Process Chain for Hybrid Additive Manufacturing using Laser Powder Bed Fusion
    Lukas Langer, Matthias Schmitt, Georg Schlick, Johannes Schilp (Germany)
  6. Generative Design and new designers’ role in the manufacturing industry
    Adriano Nicola Pilagatti, Giuseppe Vecchi, Eleonora Atzeni, Luca Iuliano, Alessandro Salmi (Italy)
  7. DfAM: Development of Design Rules for FFF
    Jelena Djokikj, Tatjana Kandikjan (Republic of North Macedonia)
  8. State-of-the-art of numerical simulation of Laser Powder Directed Energy Deposition process
    Mirna Poggi, Eleonora Atzeni, Luca Iuliano, Alessandro Salmi (Italy)
  9. Additive Manufacturing for an urban vehicle prototype: Re-design and sustainability implications
    Vincenzo Lunetto, Angioletta R. Catalano, Paolo C. Priarone, Alessandro Salmi, Eleonora Atzeni, Sandro Moos, Luca Iuliano, Luca Settineri (Italy)
  10. Hybrid tool design for a bending machine
    Christopher Kuhnhen, Jonas Knoche, Jonas Reuter, Sara Salman Hassan Al-Maeeni, Bernd Engel (Germany)
  11. Buckling behavior of 3D printed composite isogrid structures
    Daniele Ciccarelli, Archimede Forcellese, Luciano Greco, Tommaso Mancia, Massimiliano Pieralisi, Michela Simoncini, Alessio Vita (Italy)

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