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Dear Ms. Gentili, thank you for the interesting presentation. I would like to ask, if you are planning to subject the mold to multiple thermal cycles? It would be interesting to see, if the mold stops deforming after some cycles in the autoclave.
Dear Tim Tiemann,
thank you for the question.
This work is a result of the preliminary analysis done on the mold.
With my research group we are already performed subsequent cycles by simulating further autoclave processes.
We are actually evaluating subsequent furnace passes also at different temperatures, and the results are under investigation.
Serena Gentili
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Dear Ms. Gentili, thank you for the interesting presentation. I would like to ask, if you are planning to subject the mold to multiple thermal cycles? It would be interesting to see, if the mold stops deforming after some cycles in the autoclave.
Dear Tim Tiemann,
thank you for the question.
This work is a result of the preliminary analysis done on the mold.
With my research group we are already performed subsequent cycles by simulating further autoclave processes.
We are actually evaluating subsequent furnace passes also at different temperatures, and the results are under investigation.
Serena Gentili