The topics of the 17th CIRP Conference on Intelligent Computation in Manufacturing Engineering – CIRP ICME ’23 Conference – include, but are not limited to, the following list:
- Material working processes
- machining
- forming
- casting and solidification
- welding
- heat treatments
- Metrology and measuring methods
- dimensional measurements
- surface characterisation
- non-destructive evaluation
- metrology systems and CMM
- Process modeling and monitoring
- Design, simulation and modeling
- Hybrid processes
- Reverse engineering
- Additive Manufacturing
- Assembly and disassembly
- Diagnostics and maintenance
- Automated inspection and quality control
- Sensors and sensing techniques for manufacturing
- Process/Production planning and control
- Dynamic scheduling in complex mftg.
- Distributed and co-operative production
- Biological transformation in manufacturing
- Customer driven production
- Intelligent machines and robots
- Intelligent manufacturing systems
- Zero defect manufacturing
- Factory design, reconfigurability and integration
- Augmented and virtual reality for manufacturing
- Product life cycle management
- Energy and resource efficient manufacturing
- Green and sustainable manufacturing
- Human factors in intelligent manufacturing systems
- Manufacturing applications of:
- expert systems
- artificial neural networks
- fuzzy and neuro-fuzzy models
- genetic algorithms
- machine and deep learning
- multi agent systems
- evolutionary & emergent computing
- hybrid approaches
- Any other topic related to the Conference’s scope